Saturday, March 17, 2007

Dear, Mrs. Drake.

I now have money to go anywhere  and I would love to go to Area 51, New Mexico for two reasons.

My first reason is because of the aliens reported there. I have always been crazed over alien stories. When I have a chance, I always try to listen to alien stories. Sadly other then the alien stories, my only experience with aliens in video games.

my other reason is the fact that Area 51 is a military base. If my Granpa was not there, I would have no inspiration to the military. I always loved the things He said about his days in the military camp. With him I know all military commands, almost all the military team positions, and I know the three types of teams, Alph, Beta, and Delta.

Those are my two reasons why I would like to meet some soldiers and consfesgated aliens in Area 51.

Giuseppe, age 10

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