Saturday, March 17, 2007

Dear, Mrs. Drake.

I now have money to go anywhere  and I would love to go to Area 51, New Mexico for two reasons.

My first reason is because of the aliens reported there. I have always been crazed over alien stories. When I have a chance, I always try to listen to alien stories. Sadly other then the alien stories, my only experience with aliens in video games.

my other reason is the fact that Area 51 is a military base. If my Granpa was not there, I would have no inspiration to the military. I always loved the things He said about his days in the military camp. With him I know all military commands, almost all the military team positions, and I know the three types of teams, Alph, Beta, and Delta.

Those are my two reasons why I would like to meet some soldiers and consfesgated aliens in Area 51.

Giuseppe, age 10

Student of The Week!!!

I'm Giuseppe and I am THE student of the week. I was born in Italy and stayed there for three years. But in those three years something happened. When I was 2 I had a surgery to fix the Hernia I had. While I was having surgery my sister was on vacation. One day I was sleeping with my parents and the next day they went to an early flight to America to see how it was. ( This is all in my head peoples) They came back a week later. The reason why we moved here is because of a Microsoft job enhancement in 2000. ( A lot of people did this) after the Italian school I went to three other schools. My birthday is on Halloween. To get this student of the week I had to work hard and stay focused on what is important. I also got tickets for keeping a interesting conversation with my group. Not about video games and stuff that does not mater, but something that does matter. That is your scoop on ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By seeyou on Monday!


Friday, March 2, 2007

Amerigo Vespucci's Story

I'm Alive!

When my family looked at me they all screamed out "He's so cute!" I was the 3rd out of three children. My dad was part of the moneychangers guild. So you would bet my family was rich! Famous too! I grew up in a large mansion by the river. We had a huge backyard where I would play with my brothers. Anyway, I was born in Florence, Italy on March 9th in 1451. My dream was to travel through the new world and go to the other side. By my dream changes.

My Job

I had an employment as an agent, yes an agent. My dream was ruined. But I was employed by the people who employed Leonardo da Vinci. One of the smartest people on earth! Maybe I had a chance? Later on I was too lucky. I was sent to the queen in Spain who wanted explorers. I won the job. I was going to laugh in my family's face finally! Once I finally settled in Spain I was glad and got ready for the big day.

My Dream!

"It's going to happen. I'm going through the pacific ocean straight to China when I grow up! You will see. You will all see!"

"Ok son, calm down, deep breaths" my father said, but I know what he thought! All along he's been saying "Yeah, right!" Like my brothers, they will see, I will triumph and rule and laugh in their faces!

Getting Ready!

"I need boats, with an extra crew jumped in for free!. I was telling her. But inside, I was begging. "Very well, find out what else is in this world. I'm dying to know". As I then screamed out thank you which came out as a silent word. I met my crew, they did not seem nice, they were big a buff. The ship was definitely used, it was smelly! Plus it had rats and holes plus it was squeaking. Not to mention the beds were completely uncomfortable plus were not enough for the whole crew. We packed all the food, plus we had some live stock.

Say What Now?

After throwing up on ship and very slowly navigate through the seas I made it and did not know there was Brazil in the way. Everybody was very dark skinned and did not speak Japanese! At first I did not think "man" I though something else but later we had a good time and not kill each other luckily. After we headed back.

And Now I Die!

I'm dying thanks to this stupid disease, malaria. My family left flowers at my grave after I die of a shocking heart attack my life was long yet gone. I died in Spain and many people came to my funeral almost all of the town Seville, Spain! And that is sadly how my life ends.

Giuseppe, age 10.